Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Top-7 Rules for Travelers from Paulo Coelho

To touch the strings of your soul, and not just put another tick in the list of visited sights.

  1. Avoid museums. The advice may seem absurd, but let's think: when you are in a strange city, would not it be more interesting to know its present than its past? People feel obliged to go to museums, because they have been taught this way of contact with culture since childhood.
  2. Be open. The best guides are local. They know everything, are proud of their city, but do not work for the agency. Just go out into the street, choose a person, ask him a question like: how to get through? If this does not work out with the first one, it will work out with the second, and then, I assure you, you will find a wonderful accompaniment for the whole day.
  3. Travel alone or, if you are married or married, with a partner. This is the only way to really leave your country. If you travel with a group, you just pretend to travel to another country, while continuing to speak your language, following the instructions of the guide, and think more about the chatter in the group than about the place you came to.
  4. Do not compare. Do not compare anything: neither the price, nor the purity, nor the quality of life, nor transportation. Nothing! You do not travel to prove that you live better. Meet the life of others and find something that you can learn from them.
  5. Do not make too many purchases. Spend money on things you do not have to wear: theater tickets, restaurants, excursions. In our time of the global market and the Internet you can buy everything and not pay at the same time overweight.
  6. Do not try to drive the world in one month. It is better to stay four or five days in one city than to visit five cities in a week. Yes, you can go away from university or college, buy your essay here, write an articles for travelers' blog, have a good time with friends and family, but remember that the city can be compared with a capricious woman who takes time to show herself from all sides and let herself be seduced.
  7. Travel is an adventure. Henry Miller said: it is better to discover an unfamiliar church that no one has heard of before going to Rome and feel obligated to visit the Sistine Chapel. Go there too, but err on the side streets, feel freedom and find something that you yourself still do not know anything about and that, maybe, will change your life.